
A city that is stereotyped. A city that is thought to be conservative. Chennai has traditionally been a green pasture for South Indians and now is seeing an inflow of north Indians, north easterners and foreigners. In short, a melting pot of cultures. Sadly, this has not in anyway beautified it. Dust, garbage, traffic jams, heat are all that a migrant associates this city with.

This blog is what Chennai means to me. It is like a Renaissance painting hidden by a layer of filth, I am trying to wipe it away to expose its beauty.

About me… well after four years of thermodynamics, math and other nightmares I acquired the title of an engineer only to discard it and restart my life with journalism. It is now like like the Sony Bravia TV ad where my life looks much brighter and clearer.

I love studying cultures, civilisations, history, archaeology… You get the general idea.

This is my first attempt at blogging and I would love to hear from you. Feel free to include your personal experiences too!

Going back to the Madrasis, this is what some of them had to say about the city:


pic courtesy: wikipedia, madras.com, tamilnow.com, hsb.com, makkalthilagammgr.blogspot.com

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